Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Mom The Blogger

My mother, Jacque Chance, called me tonight and told me she FINALLY did it!! She made her first entry in the blogging world. Mom is an incredible writer and she and I have set several of her writings to music. In fact, I called my Dad Thursday night to ask him something real quick. When he answered, I could tell that he was at the church and music practice was going on. As we spoke, I realized that the song I could hear sounded familiar. Then it hit me! That was Mom's song that she and I put to music this summer!!!! The ladies group was practicing it and it sounded SO incredible. Maybe she will post some of it on her blog. I know I plan on teaching it to the praise team at my church!

Mom's blog is called Scribbles and I put a link to it under my favorite blogs and friends area. She only has one post at this time but plans on adding many of the writings God has inspired through preached messages, books, the Word of God, and through song. I hope you visit her and I am working on getting her to allow us to comment! We shall see! LOL

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