This last Monday started out so joyfully. The kids got to school on time and I went out to breakfast with Tiffany. It was nice to just relax for a little while since my schedule has been soooo hectic lately. We had a nice visit over coffee and our Denny's specials. But alas, as we left, I found that my battery was dead. Ummm, this happened because it had been overcast and I had left my lights on. :{ Tiffany had already left the lot and I quickly called her and asked her to come back. She nor I had jumper cables in our cars and Tiffany asked the security personnel and other men if they cables and was repeatedly told no. Sooooo, I told her that we could run get cables from Wal-mart, return, and jump the car. I just needed to grab my purse, lock the door, and...........OH, NO!!!! I just locked my keys inside the dead car!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Thank God for AAA!!!! The man who answered the phone was so polite and helpful but he hurt my feelings when he laughed when I told him what had happened! By the time the tow truck arrived, I was late for work. So, I called in and told them I wouldn't make it.
I ran an errand and then headed to pick up my girls from Middle School. While nearing the school, Marissa (my oldest who JUST turned 13!!) called and said something was going on on campus. She told me they were in the Library with the Librarian but the campus was in lockdown. I hurried to the school, especially after seeing the helicopter flying over the area where the school is located!! There were at least 15 police cars pulled up in front of the school and many, many police officers standing in front of the school. I finally got to talk to an officer and he refused to say what was wrong but did agree to send in armed officers to escort my girls off the campus. After at least 45 nail biting minutes, they brought out my girls and we left. We hurried to my sons campus which had been out of school now for 30 minutes. I had called and asked if they would head off my son and keep him in the office til I arrived. They said they would....but.....they didn't!!! My son walked home from school, let himself in, and sat down to do his homework. I was much relieved when I realized Justin had made it home safely.
Turns out that a student had prank called the school, saying that someone had a gun on campus and was threatening to shoot people. After all the hullabaloo, they traced the call and arrested the kid!! They are holding the parents responsible for the cost of the 2 helicopters, SWAT team! These parents shoud be made to pay the costs and fines The son should spend some time in juvenile hall. Our youth today view almost everything as a "game"!! Do you agree that the parents should be responsible?