Praise the Lord!!! Yesterday during the AM services at Inland Lighthouse, we had over 100 visitors!!!! Let me repeat that, we had 100 visitors in one service!!!!!!! Needless to say, we are overJOYed at what God is doing as a result of our recent crusade!
Bro. Marks told us last night that Bro. Clifford Clark had debated whether to bring his congregation to the Sunday night service of the crusade. They had been there for Friday and Saturday. But Bro. Clark felt a check and so they had service in Ontario. THEY HAD 5 NEW PEOPLE RECEIVE THE HOLY GHOST IN THAT SERVICE!!! Bro. Marks told us that he had also spoken with Bro. Paul Bertram who so powerfully led us in worship on Friday and Saturday. Bro. Marks was concerned that Bro. Bertram may have been so tired from the crusade that it might affect their services on Sunday. Bro. Bertram was quick to dispel that notion!!! He said that they barely made it past the first song on Sunday AM before the whole church was on their faces, deep in commune with the Lord and that Sunday evening THEY HAD 4 PEOPLE RECEIVE THE HOLY GHOST FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! Both of these men had been so instrumental in supporting our crusade and they are reaping in their own cities what they sowed in Rialto!! Isn't God just AWESOME??!!!!
Now, back to Rialto. :)
Sunday AM, the service was a little different since it was Baby Dedication. Bro. Booker spoke about the SURE MERCIES OF DAVID and then dedicated about 16 babies and children. Many of the children dedicated were from families that had attended the crusade!!! One grandfather, when praying for his daughter's family and child, fell to the floor under the power of God and I believe he may have received the Holy Ghost!! Many of the families were moved by the admonition to LAY UP TREASURE in Heaven for your children and their children. Last night, we had a gentleman, who had attended the crusade, who wanted to be baptized. Bro. Booker baptized him at the end of the service and when he came up out of the water he didn't immediately receive the Holy Ghost. He was in the water probably over 15 minutes but his perseverance paid off and God gloriously filled him with power from on high!!! There for a moment, I thought Bro. Marks was going to jump in the water with the man and MAKE SURE he got what he sought! LOL We also had a gentleman who was in severe back pain and came forward and asked Bro. Marks to pray for him. Bro. Marks rebuked the pain and the church prayed for the man. He said the pain was better and was able to walk
a little easier back to his seat. A few moments later, he was DANCING with JOY of healing!!!! I have included a picture of him (taken at the crusade) and wish I had one from last night!!!! It was INCREDIBLE!!
The gentleman on the left is the one who was healed in our Sunday Evening service, January 21, 2007! This picture is from our Crusade service, Sunday, January 14, 2007.
It was an awesome day at ILC!!