I am sitting here at my computer listening to the rain fall on my roof. It is coming down harder now and I just love the sound of it!! My hubby and I are praying that it continues through the night and that the temperature continues to drop. You see, Mark has a 45 minute drive every morning through the mountains to Victorville for work. If it continues to rain here in Rialto and the temperature continues to drop, then there will be snow on the pass and he may get a day off!! So.....fall rain, fall temperature, and fall snow.....FALL!!!!!
This is a picture of the Cajon Pass, Interstate 15, on a past snowy day.
By the way, the rain is even HARDER now!!! Yes!!!!
NOTE: Sadly, it did not snow enough to keep Mark home today. However, as he crested the hill coming into Hesperia this morning before 7 am, it was snowing there and he is worried he may not be able to get back home this evening.