Friday, September 28, 2007

Today's Markism

Received from Mark via e-mail:

"What happened to the world the day Johnny Cash died?"

I Replied:"

"Ummmm, they went bankrupt? didn't have cash?"

Mark's reply:

"They became a cashless society"


Hope you like these Markisms, they certainly keep me in good health!

Proverbs 17:22

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Mom The Blogger

My mother, Jacque Chance, called me tonight and told me she FINALLY did it!! She made her first entry in the blogging world. Mom is an incredible writer and she and I have set several of her writings to music. In fact, I called my Dad Thursday night to ask him something real quick. When he answered, I could tell that he was at the church and music practice was going on. As we spoke, I realized that the song I could hear sounded familiar. Then it hit me! That was Mom's song that she and I put to music this summer!!!! The ladies group was practicing it and it sounded SO incredible. Maybe she will post some of it on her blog. I know I plan on teaching it to the praise team at my church!

Mom's blog is called Scribbles and I put a link to it under my favorite blogs and friends area. She only has one post at this time but plans on adding many of the writings God has inspired through preached messages, books, the Word of God, and through song. I hope you visit her and I am working on getting her to allow us to comment! We shall see! LOL

Another Markism While at Marriage Retreat

This weekend, we had an awesome time fellowshipping with other couples from our church while at the ILC Marriage Retreat. We stayed at the Ayres Suites in Costa Mesa, CA. We had gorgeous weather, a gorgeous room, and a gorgeous gift basket with lots of goodies.

We were blessed with the Word of God, delivered with such wisdom and power by Rev. Steve Pixler. While he was speaking this morning, he said that if we were to spiritualize marriage we would all have to take a vow of celibacy. We would all have to be nuns and monks. It was powerful what Bro. Pixler was saying when all of a sudden, Mark leans over and whispers something in my ear.

Mark said, "If we did that, there would be nun amonks us."

Needless to say, I started giggling yet tried to be quiet about it. After the session, Sis. Cindy Pierce came up and asked me what had been so funny. She said she KNEW Mark had said something hilarious and wanted to know what! So, I told her. She and Rhonda Lee started cracking up. They thought it was a hoot.

We had a blast. Bro. Pixler blessed us in song and the Word. Sis. Booker blessed the ladies with some tips on how to be a loving wife while Bro. Pixler spoke to the men about what I do not know. Between the session Friday night and two sessions this morning, we learned what God really intends for marriage to be; a reflection of him through the unity of man and wife!!! I came away realizing that I need more Holy Ghost to help me to be a respectful and loving wife, even in my thoughts!!! Mark came away knowing that it is his duty to love me like Christ loves the church, sacrificially!!! WE came away knowing that it is time to let God help us have a great marriage and to seek God's help in raising our children to love Him with all their hearts!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Markism Joy

My husband is a wonderful yet quiet man. However, he has a very funny sense of humor and is always coming up with funny jokes or thoughts. Katie and I decided to call his jokes markisms. LOL

Here is his latest....I think it's really cute!

The cow and chicken were arguing.
The argument kept getting more heated because neither one would give in.
Finally, the cow says to the chicken, "Quit your squawking!
I've got a lot more at stake than you do!!!!"

Get it????


Hope you enjoyed today's markism brought to you by MJM publications.

BTW, now that this joke has been published here on my is copywrited and Mark gets to be the one who calls Dr. Laura at Thanksgiving and try to win her corniest joke contest!! LOL

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Joy of Being an Artist

It has been a while since I labeled a post with Joy in the title. Not that I haven't had joy, but you can only come up with so many ways to incorporate it into a title!!! LOL

Today, while waiting for my SI class to start, I was reading from Rory Noland's book, Heart of the Artist. I started this book with Chris McCorkle almost 2 years ago. We were going to read a chapter or two and then discuss them and what they mean to our ministries as Music Minister of our churches. Life got in the way and we didn't get too far. So, today, I picked it up and started it all over again! As I read, I came across a passage that spoke VOLUMNS to me!

Mr. Noland was writing about the proven character of an artist in a church setting. He wrote, "Authenticity is a powerful witness to the presence of God in our lives. It doesn't mean that we're perfect. It means that we're real." He goes on to say that when we, the Christian, put on a happy face to cover up our pain, we aren't being honest about our imperfections and struggles. Being authentic means we're real with our struggles and shortcomings. Then he talks about how God wants our character growth to be as high a priority as our talent. We shouldn't hide behind the talent and conceal our real selves, being hypocrits while ministering on the platform.

Now, I will be "authentic" and confess that I haven't always practiced this principle. People have even been aware of things I was struggling with, but I would put on a smile and go ahead and "minister" when I really shouldn't have been allowed on the platform! To those who may read this post and have been privy to my past foibles and failures, I sincerely apologize for my lack of authenticity before you and God. The one thing that consoles me today is that I honestly prayed for forgiveness of my faults, told God to do with me what He felt should be done, and TURNED from my past and determined to do what was right and true.

Am I perfect today? NO...not by a long shot but I AM FORGIVEN and God has blessed my repentance with anointing!! His Grace is greater than I can ever comprehend!!!
I want to follow God's plan for becoming spiritually mature! Ephesians 4:15 says we are to "in all things grow up" into Christ. Grow in areas such as moral excellence, intimacy with Christ, self-control and discipline, perseverance, godliness, kindness, and love. 2 Peter 1:5-9 says if we possess these qualities and keep growing in them, they will keep us from being ineffective and unproductive in our knowledge of Jesus!!! I also want to walk in my home, job, and where ever I go with integrity!!!

I want that authenticity to shine as I minister in song or on the piano during services. My art is a huge part of who I am but without God leading the way, I AND my art are nothing! I pray that my future songwriting endeavors, CD projects, and my ministry of music will reflect the heart of the artist who is writing my song, my story, my life.

Above all else, I want to honor and please God and have my life
reflect my desire to do God's will.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Never Forget - Whether you agree or not!

Yesterday and today, I spent time in Speech 1 and 52 classes consisting mainly of students under the age of 25. The instructor gave a daily quiz both days and asked what the significance of the day or yesterday was. I was amazed at how many of these students didn't realize it was the anniversary of 9/11/01. In both classes, there were students who actually said, "Awww, I'm not interested in stuff like that." The instructor told them that to be successful speakers it is their job to insure they are aware of events and dates so that they can be sensitive to the crowds' feelings.

It struck my heart hard to hear these students so callously disregard such a devastating event in America. However, it also hit home the selfish nature of Americans!!!! Politicians criticize one another so crudely and rudely because of pride. Everyday American citizens are led by ads and such to believe that their individual happiness is more important than anyone elses. Now we have a society of young people who feel no shame for going after what they want even if it means stealing to obtain it. God shine your mercy upon America and keep her from harm. If our country doesn't get it together soon, soon we will be so divided politically, spiritually, financially that we may not be able to survive any attacks that are made on our shores.

Let us never forget the cost of the lives that were taken on 9/11. Never forget that families are living 6 years later with holes in their lives where loved ones were taken from them in the tragedy of 9/11. Never forget the emergency workers who lost their lives trying to save the victims of the Twin Towers attacks. Never forget and Never surrender to the apathy that is trying to overtake our society! NEVER!!!!

God bless the families who lost their loved ones and keep them under the shelter of Your wings. Shine your light of love on them and comfort their aching hearts. Bring joy again to their lives.


unknown author

Look back and Thank God.

Look forward and Trust God.

Look around and Serve God.

Look within and Find God!"

"I asked God, 'How do I get the best out of life?'

God said, 'Face your past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear!'"

"Without God, our week is: Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday and Sinday. So, allow Him to be with you every day!"

"Life is short, so forgive quickly. Believe slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. Never regret anything that makes you happy. And have a wonderful journey!!!"