Sunday, May 6, 2007

WOW!! What a service!!!

Tonight at ILC, we had Bro. Ted Molander in service with us. Today was his birthday and he turned 81!!! (Happy Birthday Bro. Molander!!) When he took the pulpit, I wasn't sure what to expect!

Well, I have to say even if his style of preaching was so different from what I am now used to, he preached us THE WORD!!! His message was that we, the saints of God, need to move away from religiosity and create a friendship with God. Bro. Molander was right on the money!!!
I ran to the altar, weeping and repenting of my surface relationship with my best friend!

Lord, please let me turn my mind away from what I think I am and want to what you know I am!!! Let me go beyond my duty and be a witness for You in everything I do or say!!!! As the choir sang tonight, "please make me, let me be, a vessel of honor used to praise Your Holy name....."

Know Your Audience

Hello, I am not sure who might be sneaking around my blog, checking things out, yet going away without comment but I am glad you have been stopping by. I am preparing for a speech on Monday about knowing your audience. Here on this blog, I have no real way of knowing who my audience is. I just write what is on my mind, post it, and hope someone reads it and likes it. In life though, we do know who our audience is the majority of the time.

One continual presence in our audience is God himself. He is always with us, watching and gently leading our steps. Since we know HE will be in our audience, do we stop and think about what we say, how we say it, and who we say it to? Most audience members are egocentric, or self-centered, listening only to find what is in it for themselves. Is God that way too? Is He listening to, or in this case reading, my thoughts and my attitude towards others and Himself?

This topic has made me stop and think about who my audience is every day of my life. My Lord, my family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers deserve my consideration in all I say or do. Wow, God, You are truly awesome for taking the time to speak to me through my speech assignment! Now, would You help me to do well and earn a good grade? :)

Chorus of song: "My Audience of One"

To my audience of one
You are Father, and you are Son
As your spirit flows free,
Let it find within me
A heart that beats to praise you.
And now just to know you more
Has become my great reward
To see your kingdom come
And your will be done
I only desire to be yours,Lord

Artist: Big Daddy Weave
Album: "One And Only"

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

More RKK Joy

Here are more pictures that Holly took during our recent Royal Kids of the Kingdom II musical. Hope you enjoy the pictures of some of the most wonderful kids on earth!

Left to right: Ian, Jocelyn, Destinee, Dino, and Jerry

Joyanna and Sade singing about going Down, Down, Down in Jesus' Name (A great song that tells about full immersion baptism in THE Name above all Names!)

Here are Nate and Denise singing (I don't remember which song this was, sorry!)

Aren't these two just adorable? Lil' Miss Alexus and Bro. Logan (this was a funny song because these two had to share a mic and kept "fighting" for control, HAHAHA)

The Choir section. Half of these children are from our Sunday School Bus Route. Isn't God awesome?!!

Here are two of the main characters. Destinee did a fantastic job memorizing an abundance of scriptures that teach about the plan of salvation! Dino, her little brother, was a riot playing the part of the school bully who comes to see the error of his ways.

Here are Nate and Ian. Both of these young men are VERY smart and talented!!

Mr. Zachary sang so sweetly (but manly!!) :)